
Organic Sugar Cubes


Finally, organic sugar cubes! These are the perfect cube shape ready to elevate your cup of tea. They are also really great in any cocktail that uses simple syrup. Or drop in a glass of champagne and watch as the bubbles dance on the dissolving sugar.

In this box of organic sugar cubes you’ll get 4 flavors: Blueberry, Strawberry, Raspberry and Pure. They are 4 beautiful colors: purple, light pink, deep pink and white. All of our organic sugar cubes are free from artificial flavors and dyes. The color of each one comes from the fruit it’s flavored with!

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Each organic sugar cube is 5/8″ x 5/8″ x 5/8″ and weighs 4 grams. 10 calories each. There are 50 sugar cubes per box and each box weighs 8 ounces. The box is 3.5″ square by 1.5″ tall.


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